LISTEN: Cherubs share memories on the shore
The Cherubs of 2024 have created their own ways to have fun, both sport and sedentary, on Northwestern’s beloved Lake Michigan beach.

LISTEN: Cherubs learn how to approach sources
Listen to how a few cherubs conquered their fears and learned to approach strangers.

LISTEN: How cherubs tackle their mornings
Getting coffee, running along the lakeshore, and sprinting five minutes before class– these are all parts of cherubs’ mornings. Despite the variety of routines, cherubs

LISTEN: Talents run beyond journalism
Students share their experiences of performing in Cherub Got Talent

LISTEN: Meeting multilingual cherubs
When I entered Jones Hall for the first time, I didn’t expect to hear so many different languages.

LISTEN: The cherubs who came back for more
Three of the four CAAs had never experienced cherubs in-person before.