Umbrellas up! Embracing Evanston’s rainy days

Vidyuth Sridhar, Josh Singer and Connor Tang take cover from the rain during the Chicago River boat tour. Photo by Carter Nishi.

Evanston’s lush parks, serene beaches and classic architecture are picture-perfect under sunny skies, but the city takes on a special charm when clouds roll in. For Medill cherubs, a rainy day was not a disruption but an opportunity to explore local indoor activities.

When stormy weather hit Evanston on a Sunday evening, Nikki Prasad of Lexington, Massachusetts, said she and five of her cherub friends went to see “Despicable Me 4” at Evanston’s AMC movie theater.

“It was a great chance to unwind because the movie wasn’t too serious,” Prasad said. “We laughed for the whole movie, and I think that’s really what you need on rainy days.”

Teresa Chen of Shanghai said Evanston’s independent bookstores, Bookends & Beginnings and Amaranth Books, were havens for her during rough weather.

“The two bookstores here have a lot of diversity for people looking to curl up with a book,” Chen said.

Chen said she favors Amaranth Bookstore for its extensive collection of vintage books and superior bargains.

“I love Amaranth because it is really quiet and they have this soft classical music playing in the background, so you immediately relax,” Chen said.

Some cherubs found ways to continue their outdoor fun despite the downpour. On one cloudy day, Lizi Shierman of Tbilisi, Georgia, and her friends chose to head to the beach, fully aware of an approaching storm.

“We were at the beach playing ball, and, as it started to rain, the sand got all wet and gross, so we got all wet and gross too,” Schierman said. “We had to run back to the dorms as fast as we could. Our feet were disgusting and we were completely soaked, but it was a core memory.”