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Chew on this: Cherubs optimize dining halls

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Ivanna Zhang, Evelyn Won and Cami Culbertson chat over a meal at Allison Dining Hall. Photo by Charlie Perlman.

The dining hall can be daunting. Trays of food line the room, categorized into sections with vague titles: “Pure Eats,” “Comfort,” “Rooted” and “Flame.” 

But fear not. Sargent Hall and Allison Hall, the two open dining halls, served some delicious bites — if you know how to maximize your options.

Cherubs spent the first week trekking 17 minutes from the dorm to Sargent for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eleanor Cook of Kalamazoo, Michigan, said the longer hike (which she insisted was just 10 minutes “if you walk fast”) was worth it for the spiced fries and sweeter fruit. 

After week one, cherubs could dine at Allison, a seven-minute stroll from the dorm. They could also choose to eat at either dining hall for the remainder of the program. This led to frequent debates on whether Sargent’s tastiness outweighed Allison’s convenience.

For students with dietary restrictions, dining can be more difficult. Lindsay Weinberg of New York, who tries to keep kosher, ate vegetarian food to avoid meat. She said she orders out when she needs a change from pasta, rice and potatoes.

Here are some tips to make the most of your dining experience as a Medill cherub:

  1. Don’t forget your lanyard. No ID card, no food!
  2. Use the takeout containers next to the register. You can even save a snack for later in a to-go coffee cup. Callie Yuan of Fremont, California, said she stuffed multiple snickerdoodles from Sargent in a napkin “for the walk back.”
  3. Scan your options before choosing your meal. That grilled cheese when you walk in might look mouth-watering, but surprise! There are chicken tacos just 10 feet away.
  4. Put the cookies in the toaster. It’s the fastest way to make a slightly stale dessert taste freshly baked. 
  5. Don’t sleep on the allergen-free section. Labeled “Pure Eats,” it’s home to some of the healthiest (and yummiest) options. Nine times out of 10, it’s where you should get your veggies.
  6. Be creative. Season your pasta with the parmesan cheese and red pepper flakes at the pizza station, and top it with sliced chicken. Add some hot sauce to your chili and baked potato (or to anything else). Use the salad bar and toaster to create a top-notch sandwich. Slice bananas onto your cereal. Make a mocktail with cranberry juice, lemonade and Sprite. Put two patties, two slices of cheese and fries in your burger. Level up your French toast with cream cheese, banana and cinnamon. Supplement your salad with cut-up chicken tenders.
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