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Drenched determination on Chicago boat tour

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Nikki Prasad, Yisu Zhang and Eleanor Cook sit on the upper deck during the Chicago boat tour. Photo by Connor Tang.

On June 28, cherubs embarked on an architectural boat tour of Chicago, only to be met with a downpour halfway through. While most cherubs decided to move to the boat’s indoor floors, some stayed on the roof and braved the rain for the best views. Jordan Balousek of Mercer Island, Washington, said the tour was “super nice” despite the conditions.

“It started raining really, really hard,” Balousek said. “I was standing on the upper deck the whole time, and I didn’t bring an umbrella or a raincoat.”

Despite living in Washington, known for its rainy weather, Balousek said her patience was tested as the rain intensified.

“What I’ve learned after living near Seattle for so long is you gotta stick with it,” Balousek said. “My leggings didn’t dry for four hours, and my coat was still wet when I went into the CNN presentation afterward.”

Balousek said she stayed on the upper deck to glimpse the city’s sights but found herself squinting to keep the rain out of her face.

“Olivia lent me her umbrella, so I just hunched under it for a while. It was a really fun experience, but it was also a wet experience,” Balousek said.

Jack Spector of Washington, D.C., said he had been on a similar tour previously, but the outdoor obstacles made this one most rewarding.

“Once it started raining,” Spector said, “I thought about going downstairs because it was miserable up top in the freezing rain.”

But Spector said he chose to stay outside.

“For some reason, I stayed out, partly because we hadn’t gone on Lake Michigan the prior time, and that was cool to see,” he said. “It was fun but quite unpleasant.”

The cherubs’ boat tour, drenched and chilly as it was, became a memorable outing for everyone involved. As a result of their endurance and determination, everyone made the most of the Chicago adventure.

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