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Karen’s cookies made our lessons sweeter

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Celina Lee grabs a cinnamon sugar cookie to go along with her iced vanilla latte. Photo by Justin Tang.

Every morning, one instructor always set out a fresh bowl of cookies on her desk.

Cherubs were drawn to her Fisk Hall office by the sweet aroma. Inside, they marveled at the assortment of treats. Karen Springen’s desk is a treasure trove of peppermint patties, Hershey’s Kisses, Tootsie Pops and her homemade cookies. 

“There is a lot of sunlight in her office,” Talia Boren of Los Angeles said. “But it is that Karen spirit that is so wonderful.” 

Originally a memorable part of her children’s upbringing, Springen’s cookies have become a hallmark of what she is known for at Medill. Springen said that, during the four weeks of the program, she treats every cherub like a child of her own.

“I know that when I was in college I was terrified of my teachers,” Springen said. “I hope my cookies make me seem warmer and less scary.”

In Personal Narrative Club, Springen customizes her cookies to match the day’s assignment.

When the prompt was ‘My First Crush,’ Springen showed up with heart-shaped sugar cookies. One year, the prompt was ‘When Life Gives You Lemons,’ and Springen made lemon cookies and lemonade.

Springen, with the help of her cookies, has become more than just an instructor—she is a friend to all. 

“Whether she is your instructor or not, Karen’s door is always open,” Millie Reich of Los Angeles said. “Her cookies have been a highlight of all of our summer’s.”

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